Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Studio Project

Title: Close to the Skin


A three tiered exploration of journeys I have taken. The first, a warrior’s tale told in the foreground visually. Second, in the mid ground, stories of relationships told by men who are close to me, that reflect both my interaction with them and my own story. Third, the background, the journey of this artistic endeavor, revealing the work that has gone into making this story and this animation, which is also a reflexive look at animation in general.

A warrior finds armor that makes him stronger in both mind and body. He wins more battles and seeks out a greater challenge while the armor becomes attached and digs in to the warrior’s body. The challenge comes and his armor is pierced, revealing to him the possibilities of a different world. The warrior removes the armor taking a huge portion of his body with it. Through pain he is able to see things clearer, the elements help him reform his body and realizes his own strength.

On a defeated battleground a warrior finds a beautiful piece of armor that fits him perfectly. Donning the armor makes the warrior stronger, braver, more confident and resilient. He begins to win battles and grow, while simultaneously the armor begins to grow in intricacies and becomes attached to the warrior. Both the warrior and armor grow and strengthen together with every fight, while also becoming reliant on each other. The warrior lets more and more attacks hit his bold new armor, and the armor starts to piece the warrior and dig its metal into his body.

Being stronger and more confident the warrior seeks the strongest challenge he can find, and takes on a very skilled fighter. The skilled fighter is beautiful and strong (and interestingly wears their armor on their back.), they see the warrior’s affliction and fiercely attack his heart. The skilled fighter pierces the armor and through a crack in the armor a warm light illuminates a glimpse of a different world. The warrior falls in pain and rises with anger and determination. He pulls at the armor trying to remove it but it has dug in deep, he pries and scratches and the armor tightens its grip. The warrior uses all his strength and rips the armor away taking a huge portion of his body with it. The gaping cavity that was his chest is black and empty and drips with pain as the warrior screams. Desperate, the warrior tries to reattach the armor but it no longer fits. The flesh it took has become it’s own and it rejects the warrior and scuttles away.

In his pain the warrior rolls on his back with tear filled eyes is able to see what was before a bleak grey sky has now become a brilliant beautiful day. The elements of earth, water and fire begin to overwhelm the warrior and swirl around him and entangle him both mind and spirit. The earth fills the warriors wound and the water makes it flesh again. The warrior opens his eyes and sees himself in a whole new world. The warrior stands up and the fire seals his flesh creating a scar. The warrior picks up his sword, and pounding his chest notices the strength in what is now his scarred flesh.

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